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Charlotte Dog Training Club

Serving Charlotte area dog owners since 1955

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy

This is a basic socialization and early obedience class for puppies up to 12 months old. At the completion of the program, your puppy can earn an AKC S.T.A.R. puppy certificate. Skills such as sit, down, come, and controlled walking on a leash will be taught. Other puppy behaviors we practice are handling the puppy, socialization with other people and puppies etc. Puppies do not have to be registered with AKC nor do they need to be purebred.

Beginner OB/Rally I, Canine Good Citizen preparation, Pre-Agility and Life Skills for Dogs are all reasonable next steps following this S.T.A.R. Puppy class.

Advanced Star Puppy

The purpose of this class is to build on the AKC Star Puppy program skills. This class helps handler and puppy successfully transition to Canine Good Citizen behaviors.

Handler and dogs qualify for this class if they have successfully completed AKC Star Puppy (passed the test) or have permission of the instructor.

Puppy 1 & Puppy 2

These 2 classes progress puppies through specific age related skills. These are not S.T.A.R Puppy classes. For a full description see Puppy 1 & 2

Life Skills for Dogs

Dogs will learn to sit, down, stay, greet people properly. Handlers will learn how to get a dog’s attention. How to move from lure training to marker reward training. How to control a dog when greeting people out walking or at the door at home. How to teach and use a stay in position with distractions about.

Prerequisites: Be able to walk on leash. Not aggressive towards people or dogs.

Beginner Obedience/Rally I

This is a basic class for handlers and dogs to learn skills needed to prepare for Obedience and Rally Classes. Skills such as sit, down, come, and controlled walking on a leash will be covered. The class is intended for graduates of our STAR Puppy program, Puppy 1 & 2 classes and Life Skills. This class prepares teams for many of our more advanced obedience classes. Recommended for dogs 7 months and older.

Beginner Obedience/Rally II

This class is the next class for those who have completed the Beginner Obedience/Rally Class (Part I). We will focus on the skills needed for advancing to Beginner Obedience and Rally Classes. Skills covered will be beginning heeling with patterns for obedience and rally, sit and down stays, recalls fronts and finishes.

Prerequisite: Completion of Beginner Obedience/Rally or instructor approval

CGC Test Prep

We will teach to the 10 specific behaviors required by the AKC for the Canine Good Citizen certification. Dogs being enrolled into this class must be able to document successful completion of the CDTC Beginner Obedience class (or a similar non-CDTC training program). Dogs who cannot provide this documentation will require instructor review and approval prior to starting the class and class enrollment is not guaranteed.

CGCA Test Prep

The AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Program. Dogs who pass the AKC Community Canine test earn the official AKC Community Canine title that is designated by the letters “CGCA” (Advanced CGC) on the dog’s title record. Whereas Canine Good Citizen tests are most often tested in a ring and situations are simulated , the AKC Community Canine test is done in real situations including at shows, classes, and in the community.

Prerequisite: CGC

Controlled Walking

Does your dog drag you on a walk, pull you through doorways, lunge at other animals, jerk you off your feet? Three 30 minute sessions will teach how to take back control on your walk.

Therapy Work Preparation

We will teach to the 13 specific behaviors required by Therapy Dogs International for the TDI certification. Test requirements can be found at www.tdi-dog.org.

Class prerequisites are AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certification and / or CDTC (or similar) Beginner Obedience. Dogs who do not meet these prerequisites will require instructor review and approval prior to starting the class and class enrollment is not guaranteed.

Tricks Concepts

This class will teach various tricks using luring as well as shaping to allow dog/handler teams to have fun in a low stress environment, improve their training skills, and learn tricks to prepare for AKC Tricks Title testing.

Control Unleashed

Control Unleashed is a program developed by Leslie McDevitt, that is a fabulous foundation for working with your dog. CU helps you and your dog develop clear two-way communication about what your dog can handle, while improving the ability to concentrate on task in the face of distractions. It is a great start for puppies, a super way to help adolescents through a difficult time, and helpful for any dog experiencing issues.

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Competition Obedience/Rally Classes

Competition Obedience - Beginner Novice/Novice Level

This class follows Beginner Obedience/Rally I & II and is intended for handlers interested in competing in Beginner Novice Obedience. This class is also a great next step for Canine Good Citizens who want to go on to competition obedience. Since Beginner Novice can be the first step on the AKC Obedience path, we'll focus on what to expect in the ring, learn ways to train for the specific exercises, and make sure students are prepared to avoid common handler errors.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Pre Obedience/Rally Parts 1 & 2, currently competing in Beginner Novice, or instructor approval.

Competition Open

For those teams presently competing in AKC Novice Obedience or have their CD. Prerequisites include Beginner Obedience/Rally Parts 1& 2, and Beginner Novice/Novice or instructor approval.

Competition Utility

For those teams that are competing in Open or who have completed their CDX title. Beginner Novice/Novice or instructor approval.

Rally Novice Fundamentals

This class is for students who are new to the sport of AKC rally, or for those who want to brush up on the skills needed to successful compete in AKC Rally Novice. AKC Rules and Regula ons will be introduced. The focus of the class will be on learning the correct way to perform each exercise at the rally novice level. We will also work on improving the skills needed to succeed in Rally Novice including leash handling, heeling, sits and downs, fronts and f inishes, and pivots. Short courses will be introduced building on the signs that are being covered each week.

Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to work in close proximity to people and other dogs. Students should have knowledge of basic obedience exercises as taught in the Beginner Obedience/Rally I and II class.

Equipment Required: Regular collar and 4' or 6' leash.

Rally Novice Runthroughs

Rally AKC rules and regulations will be reviewed. One Novice Rally course will be set up each week, possibly and if space permits, a smaller ring will be set up for prac cing exercises. Students will receive prac ce and coaching in reading signs and running courses. We'll cover everything you need to enter your first AKC Rally Novice Compe on.

Prerequisites: This class is for students who have knowledge of basic obedience exercises as taught in the Beginner Obedience/Rally I and II classes. Teams must have command of basic obedience skills such as heel, down, front, finish, and sit. The dog must demonstrate that the handler is in control of the dog’s behavior while on leash.

Equipment Required: regular collar (no harnesses) and a 4' or 6' leash.

Rally Intermediate/Advanced/Excellent Runthroughs

This class is designed to provide experience in running AKC Intermediate, Advanced, and Excellent level courses. Students will receive prac ce and coaching in a run-through format. Intermediate teams are welcome to use a regular collar & leash but will not execute any jumps.
Prerequisites: This class is open to students who have completed the Rally Novice class and have at least one leg in Rally Novice or have the instructor’s permission.

Rally Master Signs and Runthroughs

The first 3 weeks of this class will consist of short sequences with the focus on learning the proper way to perform the master level signs. During the last 3 weeks students will run full courses with coaching and instruc on to help maximize scores.

Prerequisites: Currently exhibi ng in rally excellent or knowledgeable in the excellent level exercises. No prior experience in masters is required.

Rally Choice/Master Runthroughs

This class is designed to provide experience in running AKC Choice/Master level courses. Students will receive prac ce and coaching in reading signs and running courses. (Choice is a Master Course without the jump.)

Prerequisites: This class is open to students who have completed Rally Excellent and have at least one Excellent leg or have the instructor’s permission.

Rally Hybrid Proofing and Problem Solving

The primary purpose of the class is to work on issues unrelated to the performance of the signs, but that result in NQ’s low scores. This class will be run using primarily advanced level courses, however course design will be based on the level of the students in the class. We will be running full courses, but the emphasis will be on distrac ons, start line rou ne, longer heeling pa erns, complex signs and sequences, confusing course pa erns etc. A ques onnaire will be sent to students before class asking for specific issues they would like incorporated into the class.

Prerequisites: This class is open to students who are familiar with the rally novice and advanced exercises. Dogs must be able to work in close proximity to people and other dogs.

Equipment Required: regular collar (no harnesses) and a 4' or 6' leash.

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Agility Classes


This class will cover introduction to clicker training, targeting, "baby" obstacle familiarization, focus, on and off switches, and groundwork. Dogs should know sit and down stay for at least 10 seconds and come when called.

Pre-Agility 2

This class is intended for teams that have completed "Pre Agility 1."

This class will build the foundation for how to engage with your dog to be able to work with your dog in a distracting environment. You will also learn how to teach the dog impulse control. Focus will be on teaching the dog how to think and offer behaviors to create a true understanding of skills. Specific goals for this class will be teaching the handler how to create object focus and handler focus from the dog. Handler focus and object focus are the key foundational components of training agility that are built from engagement and impulse control. There will be handler and dog teams working at the same time. Off leash control with a reliable recall is REQUIRED.

Agility 1 - Groundwork

This class is designed to follow pre-agility. Having a dog that offers behaviors is an advantage for training in agility. You will learn the technique for using this approach as well as teaching the dog how to jump, increasing focus, and basic handling. You will also learn the techniques for developing drive lines, beginning contact skills on a plank, developing independent object confidence, weave poles, and 2 X 2 entries. Dogs must reliably come when called and must work off leash around other dogs without visiting.

Prerequisites: Pre agility or instructor approval.

Agility 2 - Obstacle Commitment

This class is intended for teams that have completed "Agility 1 - Groundwork." This class will build upon skills learned in Agility 1 - Groundwork. Focus will be on the dog learning to perform the objects with confidence in short sequences. We will include beginning contacts and weave pole performance. There will be multiple stations working at the same time. Off leash control with a reliable recall is REQUIRED around working dogs. Start line stay of 10 feet and a 5 foot send to obstacle is recommended. Plan to bring visible treats and or toy (with or without food in it) to throw.

Agility 3 - Beginner Handling

This class is intended for teams that have completed "Agility 1 - Groundwork" and "Agility 2 - Obstacle Commitment" already.

This class will introduce handling techniques in short sequences. Focus will be on handler cueing crosses appropriately in flow with independent object commitment. We will also include continued contact and weave pole performance. There will be multiple stations working at the same time. Off leash control with a reliable recall is REQUIRED around working dogs. Start line stay of 10 feet and a 5 foot send to obstacle is recommended. Plan to bring visible treats and or toy (with or without food in it) to throw.

Agility 4 - Refining Handling and Contacts/Weaves

Agility 1-3 is a Prerequisite. This class will build and progress. The skills learned in Agility one through three which includes weaves and plank work. This class will also introduce handler motion with short sequences and beginner handling. Students must have reliable recall of their dog and remain task focused while training around other working dogs.

ABC Agility Sequencing

In this class we will be learning to recognize patterns and how to handle short 6-10 obstacle sequences using Nancy Gyes' Alphabet drills-book. Jumps and tunnels will be used, but we may occasionally also incorporate weaves and a contact.

Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to run short sequences, in flow. Dogs should be able to do contacts and closed weaves unaided. If not yet proficient on a particular obstacle handler will elect not to do that particular part of the exercise, and a modification of the exercise will be offered for the dogs that are not yet fully trained on that piece of equipment.

Beginner Agility

Whether it’s just-for-fun or with the goal of competing, the foundation is the same. Instruction is tailored to each team’s level. Dogs will work one at a time on competition agility equipment. Teams will learn to safely perform all individual obstacles, then short sequences, then longer sequences. New handlers will learn basic handling concepts and the advantages of different contact criteria.

Prerequisite skills: stay and come when called.

Intermediate Handling

Sequences to improve handling skills on the novice/intermediate level. Dogs must be able to sit/stay and work off leash.

Advanced Handling

This is a handling class for dogs performing at the novice and open level. We set up a course with appropriate challenges for this level and work on how to best run it. Dogs should be able to perform all obstacles and have solid stays, off lead control, and consistent recalls. Dogs that meet most of the criteria can participate with instructor approval.

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Scent Work Classes

These first 4 classes make-up the Scent Work Foundations Program. Instructor Approval is required to move on in the Foundations classes as a dog may need longer than 6 weeks in a class to be prepared for the next level.
Introduction to Scent Work 1

An introduction to the sport of Scent Work. This class uses food (primary reinforcement) to build a dog’s search drive and to teach a dog to solve a scent work puzzle. Handlers will work on learning to read their dog’s changes of behavior.

Introduction to Scent Work 2

This class is a continuation of Intro to Scent Work 1. This class continues the use of food (primary reinforcement) to build the dog’s search drive. The dogs will work more complex scent puzzles in a variety of elements. Handlers will continue to work on handling skills and learning to read their dog’s changes of behavior.

Prerequisite: Intro to Scent Work 1 AND Instructor Approval

Introduction to Odor 1

This class introduces dogs to target oil through paired hides. Dogs will continue building search drive and work on odor obedience. Handlers will continue working on handling skills, reading their dog, as well as learn the proper way to handle odor, and scent theory.

Prerequisite: Intro to Scent Work 2 AND Instructor Approval

Introduction to Odor 2

This class is a continuation of Intro To Odor 1. Dogs will work with both paired and unpaired hides. Dogs will continue to work on odor obedience as well as work on more complex scent puzzles in varying elements. Handlers will continue working on handling skills, reading their dogs, and scent theory.

Prerequisite: Intro to Odor 1 AND Instructor Approval

No dog will be admitted to the following higher level classes unless the 4 Foundations classes have been completed (or the equivalent from elsewhere) as well as Instructor Approval.
Scent Work Intermediate

In this class, dogs and handlers will work with more complex scent puzzles in a variety of elements at the Novice and Advanced level. This class will also work on more advanced handling skills and more advanced scent theory and learning to set hides.

Prerequisite: Intro to Odor 2 AND Instructor Approval

Scent Work Excellent

In this class, dogs and handlers continue to work on more complex scent puzzles in a variety of elements at the Excellent and Master level. This class will also work on more advanced handling skills and more advanced scent theory and setting hides.

Prerequisite: Scent Work Intermediate AND Instructor Approval

Trial Prep Novice/Advanced

This is a trial preparation run through class for teams trialing at Novice/NW1 or Advanced/NW2 level. This is a “run through” class (No individual instruction).

Prerequisite: Dog on Birch, Anise. Completed Intro to Odor 2 AND Instructor Approval

Trial Prep Excellent/Masters/Detective

This is a trial preparation run through class for teams trialing at Excellent, Master, NW3, or higher. This is a “run through” class (No individual instruction). PRQ: Dog on Birch, Anise, Clove, Cypress. AKC Advanced/NW2 Titled AND Instructor approval Class Size: 8 SCENT WORKSKILLS This is a class in which each week tackles a different scent work skill. Each session will offer different skills. 4 Week Session.

Prerequisite will vary depending on what skills will be offered in that session.

Self Serve Sniff/Sniff N Go

No instruction. Four searches, some searches monitored and some not monitored if no assistant. Intended for all levels, the searches will be a varying amount of hides and odors, but all will contain at least one birch hide for more novice dogs.

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Drop-In Classes 

Conformation Drop-In Classes Starting September 8 @ 10:30-11:30 AM.  No signup is required.  For details go to this link  Conformation Class Information.  For schedule:  Class Calendar   Proof Vaccination is required.  $5 per session for members/$10 per session non members

Competition Open/Utility Proofing - Thursdays 12-2PM  These sessions are for proofing open and utility obedience exercises. Dogs must be training at the competition open or utility levels.    Participants will help each other with elements of exercises, but there is no instructor to provide training. Dogs will be training in close proximity to other dogs so must be under control and work safely near other dogs. This is a drop in class so signup is necessary.    Proof of Vaccination is required. Price is $5/person members/$10/person non-members.

Thursdays 12-2 PM

Competition Open Drop- in 

Description:  Competition Open Drop In Class. Proof of Vaccination is required. Price is $5/person members/$10/person non-members.

Mondays 1:30-2:30 PM

Agility Practice Time for Members:

This is for members only.  $5/dog. Must be sure that someone will be at the building and what time. Wednesdays 10:45 AM-12:00 PM

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Charlotte Dog Training Club

2273 Burkette Rd

Rock Hill, SC 29730

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